Conference Overview

The International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG) invites any-and-all research contributions that advance the study, understanding, and knowledge of digital games. From traditional academic submissions (e.g., full papers and short papers) to interactive playable experiences (e.g., full games or demos), to panel proposals, doctoral consortium applications, and beyond, FDG strives to provide a welcoming home for all types of games scholarship.

Games are an inherently interdisciplinary medium, and as such the conference welcomes contributions from within and across any discipline committed to the advancement of knowledge of digital games. Historically the conference receives submissions from fields such as computer science and engineering, humanities and social sciences, arts and design, as well as mathematics and natural sciences, though this list is by no means exhaustive. The greater the diversity of perspectives represented at the conference, the further we can push the boundaries of the field.

Traditionally papers submitted and accepted for presentation at the conference are published in the ACM Digital Library. Paper submissions―both short and long―and game and demo submissions will go through a double anonymous peer review process, and therefore should be anonymized and written in the ACM SIGCONF format. Word and LaTeX templates of this format can be accessed here: ACM Primary Template. Panel proposals, workshop proposals, competition proposals, Doctoral Consortium applications, and all other contributions will be single anonymous. All contributions should be submitted via the FDG 2024 EasyChair.

When making a submission, EasyChair will ask you to select a Track. A list of this year’s conference’s tracks and brief descriptions of each can be found below. Please select the track that you feel best represents the nature of your work and is the community of scholars that you would most like to review it. If none of the tracks are a perfect fit, please do not be deterred! Either select the track that you believe is the best fit, or, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email the Program Co-Chairs at and with any questions you may have. We’ll do our best to ensure every submission finds its proper home and is reviewed by members of the games community best equipped to critique it fairly.

We are excited to review your work! Together, we’ll make FDG24 the best one yet!

FDG 2024 is made possible by the support of

Studios Quality - Xbox Game Studios

FDG 2024 is held in cooperation with ACM and the following:

ACM In-Cooperation

Attending FDG 2024

Visit the Venue and Registration pages for info on how to attend FDG 2024.

Theme and Vision

The special theme for this year’s conference is “Playing Well, Together” which recognizes the unifying power of games and game playing. Example work that falls under this year’s theme might include, but is by no means limited to, research on connecting disparate players, or work that is particularly interdisciplinary or otherwise boundary crossing, work that inspires or enables congenial collaborations. Diversity and inclusion in game playing and production are important to FDG, and we welcome papers which explore these themes, considered broadly. Games are an international cultural phenomenon, and hence we hope this theme will attract papers which explore how games are made, appreciated, and create culture across the globe.

Although all work related to digital games is welcome, special consideration will be given to submissions that relate in some way to this year’s theme. Themes are always open to interpretation, of course; if you believe your work falls under the purview of this year’s theme, please mark your work as such on EasyChair prior to submitting it.

Important Dates

All submissions (other than workshop/panel/competition proposals) are to be made on the FDG 2024 EasyChair. All deadlines are at 11:59pm (23:59) on the date specified, in Anywhere on Earth (AoE). For timezone conversions, use the AoE page.

For detailed information on the below, view the full call for papers on the Information for Authors page.

Workshop, competition, and panel proposal submissions: Thursday, October 19, 2023, AoE

Notifications for workshop, competition, and panel proposals: Thursday, November 2, 2023.

Abstract deadline (for Regular Papers): Monday, November 20, 2023, AoE

Regular Paper submission: Thursday, November 30, 2023, AoE

Regular Review deadline: Thursday, January 11, 2024, AoE

Meta-Review by Track Chair deadline: Thursday, February 1, 2024, AoE

Authors Receive Preliminary Reviews: Friday, February 2, 2024 AoE

Author Response deadline: Thursday, February 8, 2024, AoE.

Revised Review based on Author Response deadline: Thursday, February 15th, 2024, AoE

Regular Paper notifications: Thursday, February 22, 2024

Late-Breaking Short Papers deadline: Thursday, March 7, 2024, AoE

Games and Demos deadline: Thursday, March 7, 2024, AoE

Doctoral Consortium deadline: Thursday, March 14, 2024, AoE

Notifications for Games and Demos and Doctoral Consortium: Thursday, March 28, 2024.

Notifications for Late-Breaking Papers: Thursday, April 4, 2024.